Workshop “MACS-G20 initiative on Food Losses & Waste Reduction”
June 20 - 22, 2017
Angleterre Hotel Berlin, Friedrichstrasse 31, 10969 Berlin, Germany
Radical reduction of food losses and waste (FLW) is a crucial issue to ensure global food security and to use the available resources in the best manner possible. Not for nothing United Nations identified FLW reduction as Goal 12.3 of Sustainable Development Goals.
Hence at MACS Meeting 2015 in Izmir (Turkey) the G20 States decided to place emphasis on FLW. Germany was charged with developing relevant activities. First step was the establishment of an appropriate web-portal with information about current research activities, latest innovations and available scientific expertise.
But only collecting and documenting information isn’t enough. In fact G20 States should unite their strong potentials and make significant contribution to real progress. So as next step a joint MACS initiative is scheduled pooling promising research findings, innovative technological and logistical solutions, successful campaigns etc. concerning FLW reduction. Goal is to organize "touchable" progress.
As announced at MACS Meeting 2016 in Xi’an (China), this perennial process started with a workshop of interested MACS partners in June 2017 in Berlin. Furthermore Thünen Institute recruited Felicitas Schneider as coordinator to manage and promote the MACS initiative on FLW over the next four years.
Organizing Institution
Thünen Institute
Federal Research Institute for
Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Bundesallee 50
38116 Braunschweig
Stefan Lange
Research Director of Thünen Institute
phone office: +49 531 596-1008
cell phone: +49 173 6618933
stefan.lange@ thuenen. de
Dr. Felicitas Schneider
Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
phone office: +49 531 596-5343
felicitas.schneider@ thuenen. de
Dr. Daniela Weible
Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
phone office: +49 531 596-5310
daniela.weible@ thuenen. de